call: 07775 616160 | email: robert shufflebotham

Photoshop training courses 



Our varied range of Photoshop training courses – derived from more than 20 years experience of training desktop publishing software at all levels along with writing "Photoshop in easy steps" – breaks down the application into a logical sequence of learning events, so that the new user receives the necessary confidence and skills to get the best out of Photoshop from the start.


Photoshop training can be delivered on-site at your offices and tailored to meet your exact requirements. We also run classroom based Photoshop training courses in Oxford and London. Maximum group size for public courses is 4 – ensuring that each delegate attending receives full benefit from the training.


Our course outlines serve as a starting point for discussing course content in more detail. The majority of the training we provide is tailored to meet the requirements of delegates who attend the training. Wherever possible, we encourage delegates to bring along examples of the type of images they typically work on so that we can customise the training to meet their needs.


If you have specific training requirements that are not covered in any of our standard outlines please give us a call and we will create a custom outline based on your requirements.


Details for On-site Photoshop training

Course dates for Photoshop training in Oxford



Get Creative


Go from this ...  delphi image before photoshop adjustment layer  to this ...  delphi image after photoshop adjustment layer  We'll show you how.




open quote Adapted the training to my needs. Gave me the tools to work things out myself in the future, as well as answering specific questions. Really cemented my knowledge. close quote

Nancy Triggs, Marketing Executive
Insider Journeys, Oxford
InDesign CC2105 training course




open quote Very useful training sessions, particularly as they were tailored exactly to the work we do. close quote


H D, Production Editor
7.4 Limited, Oxford
InDesign / Photoshop / Illustrator


open quote Excellent – accommodated different learning speeds very well! Very patient! close quote

Julia McCormack
Oxfordshire County Council
InDesign CS6 training course



open quote Excellent course. Hands-on, informative and interesting... It was brilliant. Thank you. close quote

Libby Summers
LibbyT Designs
Photoshop training